
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Understanding Collaborations, Partnerships, and Sub-contracting (Part 3)

After providing you with more information about collaborating, you may have assessed its advantages and decided to give it a shot. But there's more to know about collaborations other than working and getting paid on a commission basis.

To illustrate further, be aware that aside from the fact that you can't call the shots when it comes to setting your rates, you accept the condition that you'll constantly be "on call," which means you have to go wherever the people who hired you may need you.  

And of course, being available means going mobile. But first, clarify the organizers' conditions regarding --

  • Transportation, especially if you need to bring special equipment (e.g. cameras and other paraphernalia) to a shoot or event. The majority of organizers provide a vehicle that is roomy enough for an entire staff and any necessary equipment. If you would need to come to the events all by yourself, it would be reasonable for you to negotiate an allowance to pay for your fare.
  • Meals, which should be inclusive of lunch and snacks, and even dinner if events will last until evening.
  • Frequency, or regularity, of projects. For example, the number of local weddings are at their peak during the months of June and December. You may find yourself fully booked during the couple of months before the peak seasons. If you're getting paid on a commission basis, you may experience cash windfalls during those times. But what about "lean" times, when projects don't come trickling in?
  • Accessibility. Freelancing professionals should own a mobile phone, but organizers must be willing to shoulder at least part of your phone bills if it's necessary for you to be reached every time a lucrative project comes up.
  • Special equipment or materials. Mostly, I have talked about wedding photographers in my articles. But freelance illustrators and artists can be hired on a commission basis, too. Aspiring authors of children's books are perennially seeking out competent illustrators. But if aspiring authors are looking for a particular style or rendition of artwork, illustrators may need a set of quality drawing pencils in varying grades, and even water color pencils. Make sure that if you're working on a commission basis, expenses for these materials are at least partially covered.

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