
Monday, August 12, 2013

How a Features Writer Can Save Up On Magazines

Freelance writers who pitch their ideas to magazine editors can testify to the feeling of fulfillment that the result of seeing their names in print brings. Magazines are also some of the highest paying markets in the field of freelance writing, since they usually offer payment word-for-word. 

If you'd like to give magazine writing a try, you would need a dose of creativity and the ability to look at a topic from different perspectives. But first, let's deal with the practical side of writing feature articles.

You have to learn to conduct an effective market study. A market study involves observing the different types of magazines that are sold in newsstands.

Now, ask yourself, "What are the topics with which I'm most comfortable writing?" Or, "Which topics am I willing to know more about through research?" It could be anything, from business, parenting, food, technology, photography, travel, sports, or fashion.

Your next step would be to obtain previous issues of several magazines that publish articles about the topics in which you're most interested. If you're relatively new in freelance writing, buying a lot of magazines at once is sure to break your budget. 

Also, since paper costs a lot these days, publications that come out regularly in print have found it necessary to increase their prices steadily.

However, with a little bit of creativity, imagination, and skill in negotiating, you can do a market study without running out of funds.

Here are a few excellent ways to obtain magazines at very little cost:

(1.) Look for back issues at well-known bookstores and racks right outside grocery stores of major shopping malls.

The majority of managing or associate editors require aspiring contributors to study a years' worth of issues if their magazine comes out monthly. That means going through 11 to 12 issues. 

Back issues are usually priced at 50 to 60 percent lower, or even more. It's common to find popular titles originally sold at Php125.00 to Php150.00 reduced to Php40.00 to Php60.00. For the aspiring magazine writer, this is a real bargain. 

(2.) Ever heard of Book Sale?

When I was starting out as a freelance writer, this second-hand book and magazine shop was my go-to store for magazines. I can consider Book Sale the equivalent of a gold mine for aspiring freelance writers. 

Book Sale offers all sorts of magazines that are published locally and world-wide. If your dream is to eventually have a byline in Time, Sports Illustrated, Reader's Digest, or Good Housekeeping, spending time in Book Sale would be a wise investment. Book Sale can be found in most Shoe Mart department stores.

In my next post, I'll mention other cost-effective ways to get hold of magazines. 

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