
Monday, January 27, 2014

Increase Your Blog Traffic by Knowing How and What to Write

You have now been fully oriented with the basics of blogging. I also gave a simple explanation why it works on a 70/30 basis.

Thousands of blogs are competing with each other in the blogosphere for the attention of netizens. This includes blogs that are published only as a hobby or an outlet to rant or vent as well as blogs that try to make money.

Bloggers come to the blogosphere willing to share their opinions, thoughts, and personal expertise. And since each of them have different backgrounds, they will most likely attract the types of readers with whom they share a lot in common, or who rally for the same cause about which they're writing, or those who find what they write amusing, humorous, or entertaining.

Even if two stay-at-home moms blog, it's almost a guarantee that you can immediately spot how one differentiates from the other. One mom may be taking care of a toddler, and blogging is her way of sharing her struggles and triumphs. The other mom may have opted for a work-life balancing act and chose to set up a home-based business so she can devote time to her kids. The latter also has a wealth of experiences to share that may spark the interest of plenty of readers. 

Now, if I may use this blog as an example, I had Filipino readers in mind when I was just starting out. I'm aware that the majority of Filipinos have above average to excellent oral and written communication skills in English, and an increasing number are gaining access to computers and the Internet. 

But I also recognized that Filipinos who aspire to be professional freelancers must adjust their fees if they want to appeal to a local clientele. Not everyone in the industry has the patience to bid for jobs in popular freelancing sites that charge a small commission and require applicants to undergo rigorous exams to gauge their readiness to accept online jobs.

The global community of professional freelancers usually get paid through U.S. dollars, British pounds, or euros. However, most local clients will find international rates exorbitantly high, so even if I would be the first to say that aspiring freelancers must do everything in order to not come out on the losing end of each project or assignment, they should also adjust their rates to make themselves marketable.

So I adopted the concept of freelancing, but provided guidelines with Filipino workers in mind. I did research on international rates and converted it to Philippines pesos. I then subtracted a certain percentage according to the scope and complexity of the project. And then I gave rough estimates when charging in local figures.

As a result, I made my proposition to get into freelancing as a potential career very feasible, and I shared many of my own experiences as well.

Stay tuned for more about blogging in my next articles.

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